Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. Replacing prison sentences of six months or less with community sentences would save taxpayers £50 million a year

    ommunity-based alternatives to prison should be used to punish the majority of people convicted of minor offences, according to a new report published by IPPR.
  2. National Salary Insurance' could protect a million workers a year

    PPR proposes a radical plan to treble income for redundant workers on a 'cash-back' basis.
  3. UK recovery half OBR's original prediction

    esponding to the latest GDP figures of economic growth (0.2%), IPPR says the UK economic recovery is "anaemic" and is calling on the Chancellor to enact "Plan B for deficit reduction".
  4. North needs new powers to close widening North/South divide

    he North risks being left further behind as the drivers of economic growth are concentrated in the South according to new analysis by IPPR North. The situation is made worse by new economic powers being devolved to London and Scotland.
  5. Neighbourhood projects offer opportunity to green Britain's households

    ommunities working together are more likely to encourage reduced domestic energy use and increase the popularity of renewable energy technologies than individual green pioneers or even government campaigns.
  6. New 'super carer' role needed to spearhead reform of home care for old people

    new report, funded by the City of London Corporation's City Bridge Trust and published by the leading thinktank IPPR today calls for extensive reform of home care for older people.
  7. IPPR North gives guarded welcome to councils keeping some of their business rates

    esponding to the announcement by the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg that councils in England will be allowed to keep a proportion of business rates rather than handing them over to the Treasury, the director of IPPR North, Ed Cox said:…
  8. Coalition carbon tax will not reduce carbon: New scheme could waste as much as £1bn

    tax on the emissions of power companies will do nothing to reduce carbon and threatens to sully the reputation of policies aimed at tackling climate change, according to a new report published today by IPPR.
  9. Fair localism demands redistribution of business rate revenues

    The local government funding review should ensure reform to business rates goes hand in hand with a fair system of redistribution, according to IPPR North think tank in a new essay published in the latest edition of PPR
  10. Emigration decline could lead to 'drastic measures' on immigration

    esponding to today's migration figures from the Office of National Statistics, IPPR says the government will be forced into "even more drastic measures" to meet their net migration target.
  11. Two-thirds of people unhappy with pay gap in their workplace

    Two-thirds of people believe the gap between the highest and lowest earners in their workplace is too large, according to polling in a new report published today
  12. Government must act to stop future housing market bubbles

    Mortgages should be capped at 90 per cent of property values and at a maximum of three-and-a-half times household income, according to a new report published today by IPPR.