Press Story

IPPR Scotland has reacted with disappointment to the Scottish government’s failure to put in place policies that would have delivered its 2030 target, and its decision to revise the Climate Change Act in consequence.

Dave Hawkey, senior research fellow at IPPR, said:

“This decision shows that laudable targets mean nothing if they’re not backed by credible policies to deliver. Scotland’s consistent failure to meet its climate targets reveals the gap between the Scottish government’s words and the actions we need to reach net zero.

“For all the Scottish government’s strategies and visions, tangible progress decarbonising the everyday economy - how we heat our homes, how we get around, and the food we eat - has been glacial.

“Today’s announcement must open a new chapter in Scottish climate policy, bringing the public into meaningful decision making. This is the only route to policies that command the widespread support needed to coordinate a just transition.”