Press Story

Responding to the government's deal with Tata Steel regarding Britain's largest steelworks at Port Talbot Luke Murphy, head of the fair transition unit at IPPR, said:

"The use of coal in steelmaking must come to an end but this looks like a bad deal for workers, the wider community in Port Talbot, and for Britain.

"The steel sector in the UK was desperate for a Sector Deal all the way back in 2017. The nuclear industry got one and secured relatively strong commitments to hire locally and protect jobs. The steel sector didn't get one and now it's fighting for its life and workers are suffering.

"The government has failed to give unions and workers a seat at the table throughout this process and their interests have been ignored or abandoned.

"The greening of steel is a race the UK is losing but it didn't need to be this way. Germany has invested over $53 billion in decarbonising heavy industry and has committed to work with unions and protect jobs.

"The UK has nothing like the scale of this commitment and has done nothing to make conditions more favourable for investment, like tackling very high energy prices for industrial consumers.

"The UK needs a Green Industrial Strategy with jobs and workers at its heart."


Luke Murphy is available for interview


Liam Evans, Senior Digital and Media Officer: 07419 365334


  1. Luke Murphy recently wrote a piece on how to deliver a just transition, available here:
  2. IPPR is the UK’s pre-eminent progressive think tank. With more than 40 staff in offices in London, Manchester, Newcastle and Edinburgh, IPPR is Britain’s only national think tank with a truly national presence.