IPPR North
IPPR North
IPPR North is the leading think tank based in the north of England.
We are researchers, communicators, and policy experts who develop bold, progressive ideas to empower England’s regions so that everyone has the opportunity to live a good life and to thrive. Our vision is of people and communities in England’s regions realising their full potential. It is a future in which place-based inequalities no longer exist, and opportunity and prosperity are open to everyone.
For 21 years IPPR North has been conducting independent research and influencing powerholders, driving tangible, positive policy change. We lead the policy sector in regions like the North with high quality research and impact, and we are deeply connected to the issues our communities face. Our expertise is in regional growth, devolution and local power and democracy.
Our latest work
Regional economies: The role of industrial strategy as a pathway to greener growth
Regions like the North should have a key role to play in the development of a green industrial strategy.Reflections on International Women's Day 2025
In a world that currently seems increasingly dominated by ‘strong man’ politics and macho posturing, this International Women’s Day it seems more important than ever to take stock of where we are on the representation of women in politics.Zoë Billingham giving evidence to the Housing, Communities and Local Government Select Committee
Change you can board: Delivering better, greener buses
The bus services bill is an opportunity to ensure reform really means thriving, green 21st century local bus networks in England.