Naresh Ramchandani
TrusteeNaresh has worked as a writer, creative director and founder for the last 29 years, and throughout his experiences his growing focus has been on the value of strong communications as a way of exploring, inspiring and advocating social change.
The first half of his career was spent as a writer and then as founder at three entrepreneurial London advertising agencies where he grew his experience as a creative practitioner and communications thinker. This culminated with a three-year appointment as a columnist for The Guardian, where he wrote 63 columns about the modern media landscape, and how brands and organisations were navigating it to connect to their customers and to culture more broadly.
The second half of his career has involved different focuses. Naresh has spent the last 11 years as a co-founder and principal of environmental non-profit Do the Green Thing, an online publication that takes issue with our unsustainable industries, corporations, structures and traditions, and campaigns for creative alternatives. While doing that, he has been working as a Partner at design firm Pentagram for the past eight years, where his team has increasingly specialised in designing successful communication for NGOs and socially minded for-profits.
In addition to the output, Naresh has also developed a responsibility and ethos as an employer, helping to build a small team of exceptional communications professionals from diverse backgrounds and supporting them to set and lead a creative and social agenda, both at Pentagram and at Do The Green Thing.