Research and ideas

IPPR accelerates progress through ideas, analysis, and public dialogue.

Our work provides insight into the challenges facing UK society, and impactful, workable policies.

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  1. Women in Scotland: the gendered impact of care on financial stability and well-being

    Women in Scotland are far likelier than men to take on childcare and other caring responsibilities, which puts them at an economic disadvantage. 
  2. One person handing a blue UK passport to another

    Citizenship: A race to the bottom?

    The ability to move from temporary immigration status to settlement, and ultimately to citizenship, is the cornerstone of a fair and functional immigration system.
  3. Reflections on International Women's Day 2025

    In a world that currently seems increasingly dominated by ‘strong man’ politics and macho posturing, this International Women’s Day it seems more important than ever to take stock of where we are on the representation of women in politics. 
  4. A mother and child from behind looking out of a window

    Hidden hardships: The immigration system and child poverty

    Child poverty remains a persistent and deeply rooted issue in the UK. 
  5. A diverse group of children sit in a colourful nursery setting, clapping along with the childminder

    Every child is equal: Bridging the childcare gap for families with no recourse to public funds (NRPF)

    Migrant families subject to the no recourse to public funds (NRPF) condition are prevented from accessing most forms of support with childcare costs, including the expanded entitlement for working parents.
  6. Grangemouth after the refinery: lessons from history in how we make a just transition real

    Making sure support mechanisms are in place for workers at the Grangemouth refinery, and for anyone else in employment across Scotland, is crucial.