IPPR International
IPPR International
Our work to provide new, progressive policy ideas to address international problems.
This international era poses deep challenges for progressives. We face geopolitical divisions, but also a greater need than ever for coordination to solve international problems.
IPPR’s international programme aims to provide ambitious ideas which meet these challenges, and secure progressive outcomes in the UK and internationally.
Towards a UK trade strategy
The UK is facing a precarious and volatile period for global trade.Our home: A progressive agenda on international nature
A healthy natural world is a non-negotiable life-support system for every person on earth. It underpins all of our lives in fundamental ways.Migration and asylum: The first 100 days
The new Labour government inherits a daunting in-tray on immigration and asylum policy, where the problems are acute, complex, and contentious.Realism and progress: How should the UK think about international policy in 2024?
Given the current polls, the Labour party looks set to form the next government. It has taken the temperature of the country and, whereas in 1997 its leaders put hope at the heart of their campaign, this time they have chosen to focus on…